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An advisor for your health
Based on your X-ray scan samples, description of your symptoms and MRI scans our advanced Artificial Intelligence models can predict the possibility of potential diseases, tumors and injuries that you possess and warn you about them. Furthermore, we provide you some valuable information about the possible disease. Keep in mind that it is not a professional diagnose and you should consult with a doctor for a professional opinion.
Advice in the diagnose of a disease
With the help of a Large Language Model (LLM) we can provide you with a detailed description of a disease. Remember that a diagnose of AI model is non-professional and you still need to consult with an expert to accurately diagnose you.
Potential diseases based on description of your symptoms
Pneumonia detection
Tumor Detection
Assistance in treatment of diseases
A non-professional diagnose by Artificial Intelligence based on descriptions of your disease.
In this feature, a Computer Vision model is used to determine the possibility of you having a pneumonia.
We can identify presence of Tumors in your brain based on MRI scans.
We can provide you with a description of possible disease with its severety.